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Worldbuilder’s Book Club 2024

On 1 January 2024, Bluesky user posted a worldbuilding reading challenge with the following image:

Worldbuilder's Book club Image
Getting through your to-be-read pile is specifically how @quartzen framed this and while that isn’t as relevant to me, I still want to participate. If I think I learned anything worth discussing in each month’s book, I will make a post about it and link it here:

  1. January: Politics, Crime, and Law
  2. February: Diplomacy, War, and International Relations
  3. March: Travel, Trade, and Migration
  4. April: Urban Life and Architecture
  5. May: Rural Life and Agriculture
  6. June: Work, Labour, and Daily Life
  7. July: Culture and Religion
  8. August: Arts and Material Culture
  9. September: Science and Technology
  10. October: Geography and Cartography
  11. November: Weather and Climate
  12. December: Flora and Fauna

If you also want to participate, in might help you to know that made a Storygraph page for it: [link].

(Now, if it were up to me, I would put “Weather and Climate” and “Flora and Fauna” first, followed by “Science and Technology” and “Geography and Cartography,” and I’d put “Politics, Crime, and Law” and “Diplomacy, War, and International Relations” last. It seems to me that politics builds on culture, which builds on material conditions. But it might do me well to practice going with the flow.)

Originally published 21 January 2024