Advantage on Arcana

My Character Sheet

My name is Christian Hendriks and I’m a regular GM. I’ve run a three-player 5th edition Dungeon & Dragons campaign with a homebrew setting since January 2020, and have run one-shots and short campaigns (two to ten sessions) in 5e D&D, Chronicles of Darkness, and Fate Core. I have also been a player in a number of games, many but not all run by my brother, who you can find blogging over at Nick’s RPG Thoughts. These games included 4th edition and 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons, 7th edition Gamma World, Fragnarok, Mutants of Ix, Fate Condensed, Mothership, an OSR hack, and Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall.

I no longer think of myself as a new DM, but I still very much appreciate that many people have more practice, and have experience with a greater variety of games, than I do. One of the convictions motivating this blog, though, is that what we bring to the gaming table also has a lot to do with our experiences away from it. In my case, that includes work and volunteering with local history museums and other culture non-profit organizations in Canada. It also includes post-secondary education in English literature, religious studies, and library & information studies. I have been surprised by how often I can put my Master’s degrees to work at the games table, and I hope to offer you some of the benefit here.

If you want to see what I’m thinking about besides table-top roleplaying games, you can follow my other blog, Accidental Shelf-Browsing. As of writing I have not updated it recently.

(I recently started this blog at WordPress before deciding I disliked enough about that platform that I wanted to move on. I am trying Bear Blog for now, but will include original publication dates in all of the posts I've carried over from the previous location.)

Last updated June 2024.